Wells Way
You are invited to join us for our upcoming Southwark Leaders Prayer Fellowship Breakfast Thursday 13th March 9.30.am – 11.30am
Venue: The Well Community Church, Wells Way, Camberwell SE57SY (upstairs prayer room, side entrance buzzer)
Join with us for a key time of fellowship, networking and prayer for Southwark. We’ll be hearing updates from around the borough, plus sharing news of key mission and prayer opportunities. We’ll be looking at how to grow our unity around the subject ofLeadership Health. Exploring ways and principles through which we might sustain a healthy growing expression of life and ministry under the Lordship of Jesus in the challenging environment of church or charity leadership.
Transform Southwark Charity / Southwark For Jesus is a growing ecumenical network comprising leaders from across Anglican, Baptist, Elim, Pentecostal, New Covenant, Salvation Army, RCCG, Methodist, Pioneer Network, New Frontiers, Independent, New Black Majority Churches, and others. Transform Southwark and the vision of Gospel Saturation is a relational network to connect and collaborate across the borough to encourage and strengthen one another as we press on with the work God has called us to do.
On behalf of Transform Southwark Steering Group – Check out our new look website @ www.sfj.org.uk and the developing Gospel Saturation vision @ www.southwarkforjesus.org.uk/mission
Please be aware that parking is difficult around Wells Way. It is advisable to use public transport.